Classic Multi Day Tours

Skiers from across the world are drawn to the European Alps to ski in some of the best mountain terrain on offer. You can begin your journey in one of the classic Alpine areas and travel over multiple days, overnighting in historical mountain huts and completing your adventure having skinned, mountaineered and skied through outstanding and iconic alpine landscapes.

Whether you’re eager to complete one of the classic Alpine tours such as the Haute Route, Gran Paradiso or Silvretta, or experience a more adventurous tour through some steeper mountain terrain, Elements Guiding can create a ski touring program to suit your ability and ambitions. You can also opt to get away from the crowds and take delight in the wild landscapes of the high mountains by visiting one of the many alpine ski-touring venues off the beaten track. Whatever your goal, Elements Guiding is here to help you create and experience your perfect tour.

Click below if you would like more information or to book.

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